Call for papers: 6th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS’24) – co-located with MODELS’24

Tackling the complexity involved in developing truly complex, designed systems is a topic of intense research and development. System complexity has drastically increased once software components were introduced in the form of embedded systems, controlling physical parts of the system, and has only grown in CPS, where the networking aspect of the systems and their environment are also considered. The complexity faced when engineering CPS is mostly due to the plethora of cross-disciplinary design alternatives and inter-domain interactions.
Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM) offers a foundational framework for gluing the several disciplines together in a consistent way. The inherent complexity of CPS is broken down into most appropriate views and architectures, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction and expressed in most appropriate modeling formalism(s), each with precisely defined semantics. Often complex, collaborative workflows are modelled explicitly too.
MPM encompasses many research topics – from language engineering (for DSLs, including their (visual) syntax and semantics), to processes to support multi-view and multi-abstraction modeling, simulation for system analysis, and deployment. At the core of the MPM approach lies the notion of choosing the most appropriate formalism(s), process(es), abstraction level(s), etc. to tackle a task at hand (designing, deploying, etc.), with the objective of reducing accidental complexity, and promote specificity and accuracy to better perform this task, while ensuring that all those components integrate as smoothly as possible.


22–24 September, 2024
Linz, Austria
Co-located with this year’s MODELS Conference.


-Foundations of domain-specific modeling, with a particular focus on classifications of the various dimensions around MPM (formalisms; processes; related activities such as V&V, deployment, calibration, etc.; tools, and methodologies);
-Modeling language engineering, modular design of modeling languages, with a particular focus on de-/composition;
-Applications of MPM techniques in automotive, aviation, manufacturing, etc.
-MPM for (self-)adaptive systems MPM approaches, techniques and tools for related domains: IoT, Digital Twins, SmartCPS
-Appropriateness of approaches, in terms of formalisms, processes, abstraction levels, viewpoints, etc. wrt. captured domain, context, stakeholder experts, etc. regarding definitions, metrics, relevance, methodologies, etc. related to the notion of “the most appropriate” in MPM4CPS.


-July 5, 2024 – Paper submission deadline
-August 9, 2024 – Author notification
-August 14, 2024 – Camera-ready deadline
-September 22–24 – Workshop. Exact date TBA.


-Moussa Amrani. University of Namur, Belgium
-Randy Paredis, University of Antwerp, Belgium
-Joeri Exelmans, University of Antwerp, Belgium
-Robert Heinrich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany