I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at McMaster University, Canada, where I lead the Sustainable Systems and Methods Lab (SSM). I am also affiliated with the McMaster’s Centre for Software Certification (McSCert).
My research is situated under the broader umbrella of systems engineering, with a particular interest in sustainable systems engineering by and for advanced digital technology, such as digital twins and artificial intelligence.
I maintain additional lines of research in select topics in modeling and simulation, including modeling and simulation of cyber-(bio)physical systems, automated simulator engineering, collaborative modeling, and model consistency in heterogeneous engineering settings.
I received my PhD in Computer Science in 2019 from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, for my work on model consistency management in multi-paradigm settings with Prof. Hans Vangheluwe. Afterwards, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Software and Sustainability group at VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands with Prof. Ivano Malavolta; and at University of Montréal, Canada, with Prof. Eugene Syriani and Prof. Houari Sahraoui. In my Master’s years, I worked on streaming model transformations by complex event processing with the VIATRA/IncQuery team at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, headed by Prof. Daniel Varro.
I’m active outside of academia as well, mainly in innovation consulting. I served in multiple management and technical roles, most recently as the Head of Innovation for a multinational quality engineering corporation.
Top news (click for more)
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Other news (click for more)
- Joining McMaster’s Centre for Software Certification (McSCert)Recently, I had the pleasure of joining McMaster’s Centre for Software Certification (McSCert). McSCert is dedicated to the certification of software-intensive systems, as well as the design of such systems …
- Call for Abstracts: 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computinghttps://locos.codeberg.page/loco2024/ The 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing (LOCO 2024) will bring together researchers and practitioners with a keen interest in low carbon and sustainable computing. The workshop will …
- Program Committee: CAiSE’25I’m honored to serve on the Program Committee of the 37th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE). CAiSE is the leading venue of the information systems community, a well-established and …
- Podcast interview on guiding your reader toward your way of thinkingLast week, I had the pleasure of discussing some of the best practices in scientific writing with on Daniel Shae’s Scholarly Communication podcast. Together with co-author Houari Sahraoui, we analyzed …