Kyanna Dagenais receives NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA)

Kyanna Dagenais, undergraduate researcher in our lab, has been awarded the prestigious Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in support of her project on Guiding Deep Reinforcement Learning by Uncertain Advice.

Kyanna joined our lab less than a year ago. In this remarkably short period, Kyanna developed a novel method for guiding traditional reinforcement learning agents by uncertain advice, which she will now extend to deep reinforcement learning. Her research resulted in a journal paper (in review for Springer’s Machine Learning), a workshop paper and presentation at MPM4CPS’24 (co-located with MODELS), and a 1st place in the 2024 ACM Student Research Competition at MODELS.
Recognizing her academic excellence, ACM-W awarded Kyanna a scholarship earlier this Summer.

Congratulations to Kyanna on her continued success. We are truly lucky to have you in the lab!

Our lab would like to thank the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University, especially Matt Vonk and Sarah Novosedlik for their fantastic support in the application process.