Organizing committee: RCIS’25
I’m thrilled to serve as the Publicity Co-Chair of the 19th Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2025). RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers, and practitioners …
I’m thrilled to serve as the Publicity Co-Chair of the 19th Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2025). RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers, and practitioners …
Our paper on Interoperability of Digital Twins: Challenges, Success Factors, and Future Research Directions, co-authored with Guodong (Gordon) Shao (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA), Claudio Gomes (Aarhus University, …
Kyanna Dagenais, research assistant in our lab, has been awarded the ACM-W scholarship for attending this year’s ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), the flagship … Tackling the complexity involved in developing truly complex, designed systems is a topic of intense research and development. System complexity has drastically increased once software components were introduced in … Model artifacts are subject to constant evolution throughout the lifecycle of systems. The evolutionary pressure emerges from various technical and business factors throughout the overall software/system engineering endeavor. Pertinent …
Our paper Model consistency as a heuristic for eventual correctness co-authored with Hans Vangheluwe and Eugene Syriani will be presented as a journal-first talk at this year’s CAiSE. (Pre-print available … Model-driven engineering (MDE) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two separate fields in computer science, which can clearly benefit from cross-pollination and collaboration. There are at least two ways in … Sustainability is becoming a key characteristic of modern systems. While this trend has been long recognized, rigorous formal methods for assessing sustainability, reasoning about often contradicting sustainability properties, and … Collaborative modeling is a key enabler to engineering complex systems. While mostly focusing on the technical and technological aspects of collaboration, the MDE community has also recognized the need …
Our paper on Infonomics of Autonomous Digital Twins, co-authored with Dominik Bork has been accepted for the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), the flagship conference series …