Opinion-guided reinforcement learning (pre-print)

The full pre-print of our work on Opinion-guided reinforcement learning with Kyanna Dagenais is now available on arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.17287. Abstract. Human guidance is often desired in reinforcement learning to improve …

Journal-first talk at CAiSE’24

Our paper Model consistency as a heuristic for eventual correctness co-authored with Hans Vangheluwe and Eugene Syriani will be presented as a journal-first talk at this year’s CAiSE. (Pre-print available …

Invited journal-first talk at MODELS’23

Our paper Real-time Collaborative Multi-Level Modeling by Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types co-authored with Eugene Syriani has been invited to the main track of this year’s MODELS conference as a journal-first …