Journal-first talk at CAiSE’24

Our paper Model consistency as a heuristic for eventual correctness co-authored with Hans Vangheluwe and Eugene Syriani will be presented as a journal-first talk at this year’s CAiSE. (Pre-print available here. Official article here.)

The journal-first track of CAiSE aims to disseminate recent important research contributions and spark discussions between authors and researchers in the CAiSE community.

In this work, we prove that model consistency is a mere heuristic to the eventual correctness of the engineered system. That is, the presence of consistency improves our belief in the correctness of a collaboratively designed system—but it does not guarantee it. Is consistency still useful then? Turns out, it is. Consistency can help you steer and streamline your collaborative systems engineering endeavors, if used properly.
In this talk, we’ll present our formal framework and some of the recent follow-up results.