Generally speaking, Winter (from January to mid-April) is my teaching term and I’m responsible for multiple courses and for over 400 students. I’d kindly ask for your patience in this period as you might experience delays in communication.
Current courses (classroom)
▸SFWRENG 3S03 Software Testing (2025 Winter) – Lead Instructor
▸SFWRENG 2AA4 Software Design I – Intro to Software Development (2025 Winter) – Lead Instructor
▸CAS 782 Engineering Digital Twins (2025 Winter) – Lead Instructor
Non-classroom courses
▸COMPSCI 4Z03 Directed Readings. Upon departmental permission. Registration in Level IV of an Honours program in CompSci is required.
▸Capstone project (COMPSCI 4ZP6 A/B; SFWRENG 4G06 A/B; MECHTRON 4TB6 A/B). Projects are announced by the Department. Reach out to me should you have an idea you’d like me to supervise.
Previous courses
▸2023 (McMaster University, Canada)
COMPSCI 2ME3 Introduction to Software Development (2023 Fall) – Instructor
▸2021 (VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Software design (BSc, 6 ECTS) – Lecturer/Instructor. Senior lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ivano Malavolta.
Guest lectures
▸Guest lecture “Foundations of engineering digital twins”. Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. Instructor: Prof. V. V. Graciano Neto. 2024 Oct.
▸Guest lecture “Digital Twins: Foundations, applications, and the state of the art”. Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada. Course: CP8327 – Model-Driven Engineering. Instructor: Prof. S. Mustafiz. 2023 Nov.
▸Guest lecture “Digital Twins: Supercharge your models for real-time analytics and decision-making”. McGill University, Canada. Course: CSNM 620 – Dynamic Supply Networks Data Analytics. Instructor: M. J. Montpetit. 2023 Oct.
TA positions
▸2015-2018: University of Antwerp, Belgium
▸Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (MSc, 6 ECTS) – TA. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Hans Vangheluwe.
▸Model-driven Engineering (MSc, 6 ECTS) – TA. Apprx. 15 students annually. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Hans Vangheluwe.
▸2011-2014: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
▸Model-Driven Software Development (MSc, 4 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Dániel Varró.
▸System Integration (MSc, 4 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Dániel Varró.
▸Formal Methods (MSc, 4 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Prof. Dr. István Majzik.
▸System Integration and Supervision Laboratory Exercises (MSc, 4 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Dr. László Gönczy.
▸Service Science and Management Engineering in Practice (MSc, 4 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Dr. László Gönczy.
▸Data Mining Techniques (MSc, 5 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Prof. Dr. Krisztián Buza.
▸System Modeling (BSc, 5 ECTS) – TA. One term. Instructor: Prof. Dr. András Pataricza.