Key recent publications

▸Opinion-Guided Reinforcement Learning [Preprint]
▸AI Simulation by Digital Twins: Systematic Survey of the State of the Art and a Reference Framework 10.1145/3652620.3688253. [Preprint]
▸Participatory and Collaborative Modeling of Sustainable Systems: A Systematic Review 10.1145/3652620.3688557. [Preprint]
▸Screening Articles for Systematic Reviews with ChatGPT 10.1016/j.cola.2024.101287. [Preprint]
▸Digital Twins for Cyber-Biophysical Systems: Challenges and Lessons Learned 10.1109/MODELS58315.2023.00014. [Preprint] – Best Paper Award

Complete list of publications

12009Tech. report0I. David. "Testreszabható modelltranszformációk". In: BUTE Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations. Available in Hungarian only. 2009. [Paper]
22011Tech. report0I. David. "Modellalapú fejlesztési módszer komplex események feldolgozásához". In: National Conference of Scientific Students’ Associations. Available in Hungarian only. 2011. (2nd Prize of the “Computer Science” section.) [Paper]
32012Conference proceedings4I. David. "Modellalapú fejlesztési módszer komplex események feldolgozásához". In: Mesterpróba Tudományos Konferencia. Available in Hungarian only. HTE/MTA-TTB/IEEE-Hungary. 2012, pp. 1–4.
42012Abstracts and posters1I. David and K. Buza. "On the relation of cluster stability and early classifiability of time series". In: 36th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery. 2012, p. 91. [Abstract] [bib]
52012Other peer-reviewed3I. David. "A model-driven approach for processing complex events". In: Fast Abstracts & Student Forum Proceedings of the Ninth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2012). Vol. abs/1204.2203. arXiv, 2012. [Paper] [bib]
62013Book chapter5I. David and L. Gönczy. "Ontology-Supported Design of Domain-Specific Languages: A Complex Event Processing Case Study". In: Advances and Applications in Model-Driven Engineering. IGI Global, 2013. [bib]
72014Conference proceedings4I. David, I. Ráth, and D. Varró. "Streaming Model Transformations By Complex Event Processing". In: Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems – 17th International Conference, MODELS 2014, Valencia, Spain, September 28 – October 3, 2014. Proceedings. Vol. 8767. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2014, pp. 68–83. (Acceptance rate: 26%. Invited for submission to MODELS14 Special Issue in SoSyM.) [Preprint] [bib]
82015Conference proceedings4G . Bergmann, I. David, Á. Hegedüs, Á. Horváth, I. Ráth, Z. Ujhelyi, and D. Varró. "VIATRA 3: A Reactive Model Transformation Platform". In: Theory and Practice of Model Transformations – 8th International Conference, ICMT@STAF 2015, L’Aquila, Italy, July 20-21, 2015. Proceedings. Vol. 9152. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2015, pp. 101–110. [Preprint] [bib]
92015Other peer-reviewed3I. David, J. Denil, and H. Vangheluwe. "Towards Inconsistency Management by Process-Oriented Dependency Modeling". In: Joint Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Globalization Of Modeling Languages and the 9th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling co-located with ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, GEMOC+MPM@MoDELS 2015, Ottawa, Canada, September 28, 2015. Vol. 1511. CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2015, pp. 32–41. [Preprint] [bib]
102015Tech. report0I. David, J. Denil, and H. Vangheluwe. "Patterns of inconsistency management in mechatronics – A survey". Tech. rep. University of Antwerp, Belgium, 2015. [Report] [bib]
112016Abstracts and posters1L. Balogh, I. David, I. Ráth, D. Varró, and A. Vörös. "Distributed and heterogeneous event-based monitoring in smart cyber-physical systems". In: 1st Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems, Vienna, Austria. 2016 [Preprint] [poster] [bib]
122016Other peer-reviewed3K. Vanherpen, J. Denil, I. David, P. De Meulenaere, P. J. Mosterman, M. Törngren, A. Qamar, and H. Vangheluwe. "Ontological reasoning for consistency in the design of cyber-physical systems". In: 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Production Systems, CPPS@CPSWeek 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 12, 2016. IEEE Computer Society, 2016, pp. 1–8. [Preprint] [bib]
132016Conference proceedings4B. Meyers, J. Denil, I. David, and H. Vangheluwe. "Automated testing support for reactive domain-specific modelling languages". In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 31 – November 1, 2016. ACM, 2016, pp. 181–194. [bib]
142016Other peer-reviewed3I. David. "A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Foundation for Collaborative Multi-view Model/System Development". In: Proceedings of the ACM Student Research Competition at MODELS 2016 co-located with the 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016), St. Malo, France, October 3-4, 2016. Vol. 1775. CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2016. [Preprint] [poster] [bib]
152016Other peer-reviewed3I. David, J. Denil, K. Gadeyne, and H. Vangheluwe. "Engineering Process Transformation to Manage (In)consistency". In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (COMMitMDE 2016) co-located with ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2016), St. Malo, France, October 4, 2016. Vol. 1717. CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2016, pp. 7–16. [Preprint] [bib]
162016Other peer-reviewed3I. David, E. Syriani, C. Verbrugge, D. Buchs, D. Blouin, A. Cicchetti, and K. Vanherpen. "Towards Inconsistency Tolerance by Quantification of Semantic Inconsistencies". In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (COMMitMDE 2016) co-located with ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2016), St. Malo, France, October 4, 2016. Vol. 1717. CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2016, pp. 35–44. [Preprint] [bib]
172017Other peer-reviewed3I. David, B. Meyers, K. Vanherpen, Y. Van Tendeloo, K. Berx, and H. Vangheluwe. "Modeling and Enactment Support for Early Detection of Inconsistencies in Engineering Processes". In: Proceedings of MODELS 2017 Satellite Event: Workshops (ModComp, ME, EXE, COMMitMDE, MRT, MULTI, GEMOC, MoDeVVa, MDETools, FlexMDE, MDEbug), Posters, Doctoral Symposium, Educator Symposium, ACM Student Research Competition, and Tools and Demonstrations co-located with ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2017), Austin, TX, USA, September, 17, 2017. Vol. 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2017, pp. 145–154. [Preprint] [bib]
182018Journal article6I. David, I. Ráth, and D. Varró. "Foundations for Streaming Model Transformations by Complex Event Processing". In: Softw. Syst. Model. 17.1 (2018), pp. 135–162. [Open access] [bib]
192018Conference proceedings4S. Van Mierlo, Y. Van Tendeloo, I. David, B. Meyers, A. Gebremichael, and H. Vangheluwe. "A multi-paradigm approach for modelling service interactions in model-driven engineering processes". In: Proceedings of the Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering Symposium, SpringSim (Mod4Sim) 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, April 15-18, 2018. ACM, 2018, 6:1–6:12. [Preprint] [bib]
202018Conference proceedings4I. David, J. Denil, and H. Vangheluwe. "Process-oriented Inconsistency Management in Collaborative Systems Modeling". In: 16th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2018, ISC 2018. Eurosis, 2018, pp. 54–61. [Preprint] [bib]
212018Conference proceedings4I. David, H. Vangheluwe, and Y. Van Tendeloo. "Translating Engineering Workflow Models to DEVS for Performance Evaluation". In: 2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). ACM, 2018, pp. 616–627. 10.1109/WSC.2018.8632470 [Preprint] [bib]
232021Conference proceedings4I. David, K. Aslam, S. Faridmoayer, I. Malavolta, E. Syriani, and P. Lago. "Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic Update". In: 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2021, Fukuoka, Japan, October 10-15, 2021. IEEE, 2021, pp. 273–284. 10.1109/MODELS50736.2021.00035 (Acceptance rate: 22.2%.) [Preprint] [bib]
242021Editorial2I. David, E. Syriani, and A. Garcia-Dominguez. "Preface to the 1st International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM 2021)". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS 2021 Companion, Fukuoka, Japan, October 10-15, 2021. IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–2. [bib]
252021Other peer-reviewed3B. Karaduman, I. David, and M. Challenger. "Modeling the Engineering Process of an Agent-based Production System: An Exemplar Study". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS 2021 Companion. IEEE, 2021, pp. 296–305. [bib]
262021Other peer-reviewed3I. David, J. Galasso, and E. Syriani. "Inference of Simulation Models in Digital Twins by Reinforcement Learning". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS 2021 Companion. IEEE, 2021, pp. 221–224. [Preprint] [bib]
272021Journal article6E. Syriani, D. Riegelhaupt, B. Barroca, and I. David. "Generation of Custom Textual Model Editors". In: Modelling 2.4 (2021), pp. 609–625. [Open access] [bib]
282021Journal article6I. Malavolta, T. A. Ghaleb, I. David, J. van Rooijen, and M. Stoelinga. "Engineering Mobile Apps for Disaster Management: The Case of COVID-19 Apps in the Google Play Store". In: IEEE Software (2021). 10.1109/MS.2021.3129978 [Preprint] [bib]
292022Journal article6I. David, M. Latifaj, J. Pietron, W. Zhang, F. Ciccozzi, I. Malavolta, A. Raschke, J.P. Steghöfer, and R. Hebig. "Blended Modeling in Commercial and Open-source Model-Driven Software Engineering Tools: A Systematic Study". In: Soft. Syst. Model. 2022. 10.1007/s10270-022-01010-3 [Preprint] [bib]
302022Conference proceedings4I. David and E. Syriani. "DEVS Model Construction as a Reinforcement Learning Problem". In: 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM). IEEE, 2022, pp. 30–41. 10.23919/ANNSIM55834.2022.9859369 [Preprint] [bib]
312022Conference proceedings4I. David, E. Syriani, and C. Masson. "Extensible Conflict-Free Replicated Datatypes for Real-time Collaborative Software Engineering". In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS), pp. 849-853. IEEE, 2022. [Preprint] [bib]
322022Journal article6I. David and E. Syriani. "Real-time Collaborative Multi-Level Modeling by Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types". In: Soft. Syst. Model. 2022. 10.1007/s10270-022-01054-5 [Preprint] [bib]
332022Journal article6F. Khan, I. David, D. Varro, and S. McIntosh. "Code Cloning in Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Platform: An Extended Replication Study". In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 2006-2019. 1 April 2023. 10.1109/TSE.2022.3207428 [Preprint] [bib]
342023Journal article6I. David, K. Aslam, I. Malavolta, and P. Lago. "Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering – A Systematic Survey of Practices and Needs in Industry". In: Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 199, 111626. 2023. 10.1016/j.jss.2023.111626 [Preprint] [bib]
352023Conference proceedings4I. David, V. Sousa, and E. Syriani. "Opportunities in Robotic Process Automation by and for Model-Driven Software Engineering". In: Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 24th International Conference, BPMDS 2023 and 28th International Conference, EMMSAD 2023, Held at CAiSE 2023, Zaragoza, Spain, June 12--13, 2023, Proceedings. LNBIP. Springer. 2023. 10.1007/978-3-031-34241-7_20 [Preprint] [bib]
362023Abstracts and posters1P. Archambault, I. David, E. Syriani, and H. Sahraoui. "Co-Simulation For Controlled Environment Agriculture". In: 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM). 2023. [Paper] [bib]
372023Conference proceedings4I. David, P. Archambault, Q. Wolak, V. Vu, T. Lalonde, K. Riaz, E. Syriani, and H. Sahraoui. "Digital Twins for Cyber-Biophysical Systems: Challenges and Lessons Learned". 2023 ACM/IEEE 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). 2023, pp. 1–12. DOI: 10.1109/MODELS58315.2023.00014. [Preprint] [bib] – Best Paper Award
382023Journal article6I. David, H. Vangheluwe, and E. Syriani. "Model Consistency as a Heuristic for Eventual Correctness". In: Journal of Computer Languages. 2023. 10.1016/j.cola.2023.101223 [Preprint] [bib]
392024Book chapter5I. David and E. Syriani. "Automated Inference of Simulators in Digital Twins". In: Handbook of Digital Twins. 1st Edition. Chapter 8. CRC Press. 2024. 10.1201/9781003425724-11 [Preprint] [bib]
402023Tech. report0E. Syriani, I. David, and G. Kumar. "Assessing the Ability of ChatGPT to Screen Articles for Systematic Reviews". [Report] [bib]
412023Book chapter5B. J. Oakes, A. Parsai, B. Meyers, I. David, S. Van Mierlo, S. Demeyer, J. Denil, P. De Meuleneare, and H. Vangheluwe. "A Digital Twin Description Framework and its Mapping to Asset Administration Shell". In: Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Springer (2022). 10.1007/978-3-031-38821-7_1 [Preprint] [bib]
422023Editorial2I. David, E. Syriani, and A. Garcia-Dominguez. "2nd International Hands-On Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM 2023)". In: 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). IEEE, 2023, pp. 765-766, DOI: 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00123
432023Editorial2L. Iovino, I. David, and D.E. Khelladi. "17th International Workshop on Models and Evolution Special Theme: Sustainability (ME 2023)". In: 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). IEEE, 2023, pp. 911-913, DOI: 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00143
442023Other peer-reviewed3I. David and D. Bork. "Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Twin Evolution for Technical Sustainability". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C. IEEE, 2023, pp. 934-938, DOI: 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00147. [Preprint] [bib]
452023Tech. report0I. David. "SusDevOps: Promoting Sustainability to a First Principle in Software Delivery". [bib]
462024Journal article6I. David, D. Bork, and G. Kappel. "Circular Systems Engineering". In: Soft. Syst. Model. 2024. 10.1007/s10270-024-01154-4 [Preprint] [bib]
472024Conference proceedings4I. David and D. Bork. "Infonomics of Autonomous Digital Twins". Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Vol 14663. LNCS. Springer. 2024. pp 563-578. 10.1007/978-3-031-61057-8_33. [Preprint] [bib]
482024Other peer-reviewed3J. Michael, I. David, and D. Bork. "Digital Twin Evolution for Sustainable Smart Ecosystems". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C. ACM, 2024, pp. 1061–1065. 10.1145/3652620.3688343 [Preprint] [bib]
492024Journal article6D. Bork, I. David, S. Espana, G. Guizzardi, H. Proper, and I. Reinhartz-Berger. "The Role of Modeling in the Analysis and Design of Sustainable Systems: A Panel Report". Communications of the Association for Information Systems (54). 2024. [Preprint] [bib]
502024Tech. report0K. Dagenais and I. David. "Opinion-Guided Reinforcement Learning". [Preprint] [bib]
512024Journal article6E. Syriani, I. David, and G. Kumar. "Screening Articles for Systematic Reviews with ChatGPT". In: Journal of Computer Languages. 2024. 10.1016/j.cola.2024.101287 [Preprint] [bib]
522024Conference proceedings4I. David, G. Shao, C. Gomes, D. Tilbury, and B. Zarkout. "Interoperability of Digital Twins: Challenges, Success Factors, and Future Research Directions". International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification Principles (ISoLA), 2024, pp. 27-46. 10.1007/978-3-031-75390-9_3 [Preprint] [bib]
532024Other peer-reviewed3R. Manellanga and I. David. "Participatory and Collaborative Modeling of Sustainable Systems: A Systematic Review". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C. ACM, 2024, pp. 645–654. 10.1145/3652620.3688557 [Preprint] [bib]
542024Other peer-reviewed3K. Dagenais and I. David. "Driving Requirements Evolution by Engineers' Opinions". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C. ACM, 2024, pp. 920–929. 10.1145/3652620.3688566 [Preprint] [bib]
552024Conference proceedings4X. Liu and I. David. "AI Simulation by Digital Twins: Systematic Survey of the State of the Art and a Reference Framework". In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS-C. 1st International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins (EDTConf). ACM, 2024. 10.1145/3652620.3688253 [Preprint] [bib]
562024Editorial2I. David, A. Gutschmidt, and L. Marchezan. "Preface to the International Workshop on Collaborative and Participatory Modeling (CoPaMo) 2024". In: 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). ACM, 2024. [Preprint]
572024Editorial2I. David, D. Bork, and J. Michael. "Preface to the 1st International Workshop on Sustainability and Modeling (SusMod) 2024". In: 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). ACM, 2024. [Preprint]
582024Tech. report0M. Ben Chaaben, L. Burgueño, I. David, and H. Sahraoui. "On the Utility of Domain Modeling Assistance with Large Language Models". [Preprint] [bib]
592024Abstracts and posters1I. David. "Sustainable Systems by Sustainable Methods: A conceptual framework". In: 1st International Workshop on Low Carbon Computing (LOCO). 2024. [Abstract] [bib]
602025Conference proceedings4I. David. "SusDevOps: Promoting Sustainability to a First Principle in Software Delivery". In: 2025 IEEE/ACM 47th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE-NIER). [bib]